The big picture: using wildflower strips for pest control
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External Organiser
Royal Entomological Society
Join the Royal Entomological Society's Sustainable Agriculture Special Interest Group (SIG) for a day delving into the full agricultural entomology life cycle, from monitoring to management and beyond. Sustainable agriculture is faced with a multitude of challenges in the coming decades, from increasing pressure to produce for a growing global population, to climate change and the associated range shift of pests. Since insects are central to our food systems as protectors, pollinators and pests, entomological research is optimally placed to monitor and manage these challenges.
This meeting will cover all aspects of entomology for sustainable agriculture, and will specifically focus on biomonitoring, translation of research into practice and engagement of practitioners and the public. Alongside invited talks from some exceptional leading researchers across these topics, we will hold an interactive session on current advances in biomonitoring, how this subfield may evolve into the future and the implications of this for land management and policy. We are also inviting abstracts for both oral and poster presentations from any registered attendees.
Key themes