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The Statistics and Data Science Unit provides statistical and data science consultancy to staff and students across the institute, providing guidance on planning and design of studies, data analysis and modelling, and interpretation and presentation. Some consultancy is also done with the provision of advice, whilst for other projects, and particularly for the design of experiments and where more complicated analyses are required, we will contribute the statistical work to the project, more as a collaboration.

We are generally funded from ISPs, NCGs and individual projects in all science departments, and so, potentially, to all research areas within the institute.

We run a statistics training programme, primarily for students, but increasingly for post-docs (and visiting workers) within the institute. We aim to provide a comprehensive awareness of the key statistical tools that most students and postdocs will need. Currently not explicitly funded.

We are responsible for contributing (applied) statistical and data science research as collaborative researchers to projects (including ISPs and NCGs) where a strong statistical input is needed to maximise the scientific.