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Study shows costs of reseeding permanent pasture

Inclusion of clover provides only real benefit with minimal yield improvement and climate implications

16 Sep 2019

Chief Executive brings successful five years at the helm to an end

Prof Achim Dobermann has announced he is to leave “wonderful” Rothamsted in December

13 Sep 2019

Rothamsted responds to new PM’s pledge on GM crops

Promise comes one year after the European Court of Justice ruled that genome editing technology be classed as GM

25 Jul 2019

Surprising birthplace of modern data analysis celebrates 100 years

Today's statistical methods and computerised data analysis can be traced back to an unlikely band of pioneers

10 Jul 2019

Farm lab adds 'high tech sheep shed'

The new Robert Orr Small Ruminant Facility will bolster research into the sustainability of livestock

4 Jul 2019

Wanted: Cabbage Stem Flea Beetles

Two projects hoping to provide some good news on CSFB control

1 Jul 2019

£3.5 million climate change fund established to shake agri-food sector

SHAKE will fund and train entrepreneurs and start-ups who have early stage science or tech-based solutions

24 Jun 2019

New ‘early warning system’ finds blackgrass evolving resistance to glyphosate

Researchers develop way to predict risk of resistance before it occurs in the field

12 Jun 2019

Hackathon challenges businesses and experts to help fix the food system

Brainstorming event first step in what is hoped will eventually be the creation of several scientific and technical innovations

11 Jun 2019

Not all weeds are equal

New research shows wildlife refuges on farms need careful placement if they aren't to be overrun with the wrong type of weeds

4 Jun 2019

Foods enhanced with proven health benefits not making it to consumers quickly enough

Tools for tackling global epidemics of malnutrition, obesity and their associated health problems are stuck in ‘development limbo’, says GM expert

4 Jun 2019

Rothamsted Research collaborates with BASF on sustainable agriculture

Long-term collaboration will combine expertise and support future scientists with a focus on research into sustainable agriculture and soil health

24 May 2019


Five-year project will investigate field performance of plants making heart healthy oils

9 May 2019

It's Oil the Same to Us

New human health trial shows plant produced omega-3 fats are just as effective nutritionally as fish oil.

29 Apr 2019

How fungi ‘taste’ wheat could hold key in crop disease fight

Exploring how the hazardous FHB-causing fungus senses its surroundings during infections could help scientists give it a good licking

24 Apr 2019

PhD opportunities for the next generation of agricultural research scientists for Africa

This is an exciting opportunity providing nine fully-funded PhD studentships covering a wide range of topics vital for building capacity in African agricultural research.

4 Apr 2019

Fifty-year study shows climate change is pushing UK wildlife 'out of sync'

Climate change has advanced the breeding season of many species in the UK – but just how much varies markedly across the country.

1 Apr 2019

Hertfordshire launches green business hub

Rothamsted's involvement in newest Enterprise Zone will boost UK agri-tech.

15 Mar 2019