Does Genome Editing cause unintended consequences?
The farm uses a 24m Knight tractor mounted sprayer, with a 1200 litre tank and an additional 1000 litre front tank. The boom is divided in to 3m sections that can be individually controlled for accurate spraying applications. This is used for most of the spraying on the farm, including some experimental applications. We use up to date nozzle technology to reduce drift and to ensure only the target is reached.
Experimental plots are drilled using specialised plot drills. The Haldrup SB-25 drills plots 1.8m wide, with the length being variable depending on the application. An operator sits on the drill pouring pre-weighed packets of seed into the distribution mechanism as the drill moves across the field. With this system it is possible to drill in the region of 800 plots a day. Plots are drilled using GPS guidance on the tractor, for a high level of accuracy.
The Haldrup SR-30 is used to drill small plots, typically 1m² in size. This drill uses pre-loaded magazines of seed which are loaded onto the drilling mechanism by an operator sitting on the machine. With this drill it is possible to drill in excess of 3000 small plots in a day.
For spreading fertilisers on the farm a Kverneland Exacta T-L spreader is used. This machine uses satellite guidance to control the spreader pattern and application rates, ensuring a very high level of accuracy is achieved. This high level of accuracy is important for keeping nutrient levels consistent in fields and minimising the impact on the environment.
Rothamsted specialist soil and root sampling machine has been purpose built for sampling applications in the field. Using a combination of, hydraulic hammer, direct pressure (hydraulic ram) and a boring action, it can take soil samples from 10 cm down to 1.6 m deep. Coring tools of different types and diameters are available allowing samples to be collected in a range of sizes from 15 to 90 mm diameters. This equipment can also be used for installing and extracting neutron (& gamma) probe access tubes allowing detailed studies of soil water and root structure in field conditions.
This is a specialised combine for harvesting trial plots. The combine has a computerised weighing and sampling system, which allows the operator to systematically harvest plots and record yield and straw data from each plot very accurately. Rothamsted now has three Haldrup plot combines of different sizes, meaning a variety of plot sizes and crop types can be harvested.
This modified forage harvester is used to harvest willows, a process that is necessary every one to two years on established willow plantations. It has a specialised header, purpose built for harvesting willows, and a heavy duty cutting drum for chipping the cut willow.