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alison carswell


Dr Alison Carswell

Agricultural Scientist

Net Zero and Resilient Farming

North Wyke, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB
+44 (0) 1837 512 311
Professional Platforms


Alison is interested in nitrogen (N) cycling in agricultural systems, from N application through to crop N off take, with an emphasis on the pathways for N losses in-between. In researching agricultural N cycling, Alison has applied various scales of approach in her research, gaining experience in a variety of methods for researching N cycling. These include the use of radio and stable isotopes for tracing N cycling and N transport in laboratory microcosms; determination of nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions, and soil N pools, in the laboratory and the field; as well as using field and riverside monitoring and sampling stations to determine headwater-catchment nutrient exports. Alison is currently working on the BBSRC-Newton Fund project: the UK-China joint Centre for Improved Nitrogen Agronomy (CINAg). The aim of CINAg's research is to reduce nitrogen losses from agriculture through improved nitrogen use efficiency in both the UK and China. Alison's role within the project is focused on the new and innovative ways that nitrogen use efficiency can be improved on farms. She is also involved in determining the N budget on the North Wyke Farm Platform, and the BBSRC-CSIA funded "Amelioration of soil acidification" project.

Science Projects

  • UK-China Virtual Joint Centre for Improved Nitrogen Agronomy CINAG (NEWTON FUND)


  • 2016 - PhD in Environmental Science, University of Reading, UK
  • 2011 - BSc, University of Exeter