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Dr Michail (Mike) Giannitsopoulos

Agroecosystems Modeller -

Net Zero and Resilient Farming

Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, AL5 2JQ
Professional Platforms


Mike is a modeller and his research focuses on regenerative agricultural practices that enhance productivity and ecosystems resilience. He has experience on estimating crop growth and yield, as well predicting and describing nitrogen and carbon dynamics in the soil-plant-water-atmosphere continuum. He has also experience on biophysical and economic modelling of temperate agroforestry systems. Mike is also passionate about translating scientific research into practical solutions and he is particularly keen on developing user-friendly models or tools that can be used in decision support and learning with students, advisors and farmers. Mike is currently working on the Rothamsted Landscape Model (RLM), which is a spatially explicit model. It includes a suite of interacting process-based modules that simulate crop growth and yield, soil processes, (including soil organic matter, nutrients and water dynamics), livestock production and interactions with arable weeds. His research contributes to the growing body of evidence supporting regenerative agriculture as a viable solution for sustainable food production and environmental stewardship.


  • 2009 - BSc in Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 2012 - MSc in Soil Science and Soil Resources Management, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 2017 - PhD in Optimising conservation tillage systems for wheat and oilseed rape production, Cranfield University, United Kingdom
  • 2018 - PhD Thesis won the IAgrE CNH Industrial Award

Measures of Esteem

Member of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers, AMIAgrE.