The big picture: using wildflower strips for pest control
Net Zero and Resilient Farming
Yusheng's research interests include the evaluation of soil erosion at field, catchment and national scale; statistical and numerical modelling for the source apportionment of sediment and particulate organic matter; cross sector and multi-pollutant risk assessment of diffuse pollution and scenario-based evaluation of mitigation impacts for policy support. Yusheng has a good understanding of several policy relevant models for the quantification of agricultural diffuse pollution and the assessment of technically feasible mitigation impacts. He has extensive knowledge about various spatial datasets related to environmental modelling and expertise on spatial data handling and integration. Yusheng is highly numerate and analytical, and he has an excellent command of various GIS packages, especially, ArcGIS. He is also a highly competent programmer in VB, VBA and MATLAB. Working with Adie Collins, Yusheng has recently undertaken a modelling exercise to evaluate the mitigation impacts associated with several policy driven scenarios for England and Wales. He has also contributed significantly to the updates of the SAGIS modelling framework and the development of a national scale screening tool, SEPARATE (SEctor Pollutant AppoRtionment for the AquaTic Environment).