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Rothamsted Ready to Help Fix 'Broken' Food System

From better nutrition to improved farming, Institute research is at forefront of ‘future-proofed food’

15 Jul 2021

Wanted: Farmers Sought in Fight Against New Grass Weed

Emergent species already having economic impact

14 Jun 2021

Scientists Tracking Silent Crop Pests Turn Silhouettes Into Sound

Data analysis, technology, and biology are combining to help tackle the world’s worst cereal killers

9 Jun 2021

Changes to the Rothamsted Estate

New access plan to improve visitor experience and help protect valuable experiments

8 Jun 2021

Researcher Wins Prestigious Crop Protection Research Grant

Microbiologist Vanessa Nessner Kavamura one of 24 scientists selected for the Bayer 2021 Grants4Ag awards

3 Jun 2021

Turf Wars: Arable Farming Creates 'Gangsters Paradise' for Soil Microbes

Life’s tough in this criminal underworld

27 May 2021

Radar Tracking Uncovers Secret Sex Lives of Honeybees

Results hint at previously unknown type of mating system

20 May 2021

Africa's 'Postcode Lottery' of Nutrient Intake from Crops

Project maps deficiencies in soils and grains responsible for major health problems

19 May 2021

GE Field Trial Application Submitted to DEFRA

Field assessment of ultra-low asparagine, low acrylamide, gene edited wheat

6 May 2021

New International Partnership to Combat Weeds

Consortium will harness new genomic techniques to address growing threat to crops

16 Apr 2021

Mining the Mother Lode

Search tool uncovering new findings amongst the mountains of data

15 Apr 2021

Pinpointing Pheromone Production Pathways in Pests

Study shows aphids make key chemicals the same way plants do

14 Apr 2021

Grasslands Stopped Fighting Climate Change Over a Century Ago

World’s oldest ecology experiment shows ‘hypersensitive’ grasses unable to absorb any more carbon dioxide

24 Mar 2021

Increasing Weed Threat Now Greater Than Any Point In Human History

Long term experiment shows climate, crop height, fertiliser and herbicide resistance all to blame

23 Mar 2021

Taking on Take-All

Science is getting nearer to the root of this costly problem

21 Mar 2021

Fertilisers Reduce Plant-Beneficial Bacteria Found Around Roots

Reduction in growth promoting microbes after application of inorganic chemical fertiliser

12 Mar 2021

Rothamsted Submits Evidence to Defra Gene Editing Consultation

Current regulation “makes no scientific sense”

10 Mar 2021

Britain's Largest Moths in Decline

Review of almost 900 species finds overall numbers are two thirds of 1960s levels

1 Mar 2021